

My dream for the future, no matter what profession I go into, is eventually to deliver people happiness in their lives. Very recently, I have experienced that while giving, you receive so much more from those around you, and you really become to appreciate them. Through my religious experience I had since last summer and until now, I have grown so much in God, and want to grow even more and ultimately be used for God’s purpose. And I believe that is He wants to use me to show Himself and His love to others. Whatever I become in the future – a professor or a child psychiatrist – I want to be someone through whom others can feel love, support and happiness. And by supporting and loving others, I realized that I can mature and gain my own happiness. And that is why I’ve been writing so much in my postcards and quite personally, because I know how strong words can be. And because I hope to encourage someone, bring a new perspective in their life, and affect them in a positive way, whether it be subtle ro more obvious, through writing.



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