Dealing with Tragedy

Dealing with Tragedy

Unfortunately, bad stuff happens. The death of a close relative or friend can destroy your world. When Hurricane Katrina hit, the worlds of many people were destroyed. It may seem as though there will be no end to the pain that this tragedy will haunt you forever, but life will go on. We've broken the tragedy section into two categories: Death and Disasters. People of all ages deal with the death of a loved one, but it can be partiularly challenging for a teenager to deal with. Furthermore, our generation has had to deal with disasters on a large scale. We've seen September 11th, the London Bombings, the Tsunami, and of course Hurricane Katrina. It is important to learn how to deal with tragedy. Also, we included a section on how to talk to a friend going through a hard time. No one knows what to say to their best friend when her grandma dies. No one, not even adults, know how to react to the devastation of a teenage suicide. Learning how to help others is nearly as important as learning how to help yourself.